Key Design Elements Overview

A consistent look and feel of Bayer Websites around the world is part of the Company's stated aim of presenting a single public image to customers.


The Bayer Digital Guide defines only a few key elements. This ensures consistent presentation of the umbrella brand and enables site owners' creativity and individuality.


Page layout




  1. The Bayer Cross reminds users that they are surfing on a Bayer website, positioning Bayer as a unique and worldwide brand. The Bayer Cross can be placed on the right or left.

  2. The product logo, campaign title, or company or divisional name in the Naming Area clearly identifies the subject or purpose of the particular website.

  3. The Bayer Global Link links every Bayer website with the global portal.

  4. Navigation
    a.The top navigation shows the main topics of a website.
    b. The left-hand navigation provides additional levels of content, if required.
    c. The support navigation provides key website functions.

  5. The legal notices protect Bayer websites from misuse by third-parties, either by private users or commercial users; establishes Bayer's rights on content, design and information databases.


Additional elements 


Typography on a website is a further key element of the branding.


The shortcut icons help users identify Bayer websites in their bookmarks or on their homescreens.