Brand Logo
The design guidelines for brand logos are mandatory and apply to logos across all product categories and services in print and digital applications.
Our Brand Logos were designed to evoke a positive e ect on customer commitment to the brand and to replace retailers from being the primary interface between products and customers. They are a symbol to signal our customer’s quality, experience, and trust.
Starting 2025, all new Brand Logos as well as updates and redesigns of existing brand logos will have to use our new corporate typeface Bayer Sans.
Design guidelines at a glance


- All Bayer Sans upright weights may be used.
- A combination or capital and lower case letters is allowed.
- Bayer Sans italic fonts are not permitted.
- Bayer Sans fonts may not be modified.
Exception: A single character may be modified or replaced with a design element.
Suffix Design

Height of the suffix
The height of the suffix has to be between 50% and 90% of the height of the tallest letter of the brand name (A).

Length of the suffix
The suffix has to be at least one letter shorter than the brand name. The brand name has to be visually more prominent than the suffix. The suffix height and length definition ensures the main brand name is fully protected in legal terms.

Positioning of suffixes
The suffix may be placed flush left, flush right or centered under the brand name. The position of the suffix must be laid down once and then used consistently in this position.

Brand Logo color options
Preferably, a brand logo should use no more than two colors, including their gradations.
Suffix color options
For the design of the suffix, an additional color may be used.
If you are planning to create a Brand Tag, you have to consider that the colors of the Brand Logo and suffix in the Brand Tag should match.

One-color versions
One-color versions are required for the use of the Brand Logo in packaging, the Code Design or the one-color version of the Brand Tag.
One-color black version
Reverse white version
Please don't

No modification of
Bayer Sans fonts

graphic element