Brand Tag

The use of the Brand Tag will be discontinued in the near future. The Bayer Crop Science Code is our new visual design concept. » Read more 


The shape of the Bayer Arrow also known as Brand Tag spearheads our products’ attack on the shelves and in the media as they battle for recognition against an ever-growing number of competing products. The Bayer Arrow acts as a frame around the product details. Whatever the product.

Design guidelines at a glance

At a Glance

Guidelines for creating Brand Tags  


Composition of Brand Tags

The elements of the Brand Tag – the corporate brand area, the Bayer Cross, the Bayer Arrow, the product brand area and the Brand Logo – must not be altered in their basic composition. Only the Brand Logo can be individually designed.  


The Brand Tag should preferably be used with the full-color Bayer Cross. The width of Brand Tag with the full-color Bayer Cross must never be less than 52 mm. In the case of smaller images the Brand Tag with the black line art Bayer Cross should be used.  


Positioning and size of Brand Logos

The Brand Logo must positioned inside the dotted line with a minimum distance 0.2 B to the edges. For a well-balanced positioning in the product brand area it is important to position it by eye and not by scaling. The minimum size of the registered trademark symbol is 1.2 B.


Color of Brand Logos

The colors of the stand-alone Brand Logo and suffix and the the Brand Logo in the Brand Tag should match. However, dark colors can be be changed to white. To ensure good readability, colors can be lightened by up to 20%. The color impression should remain unchanged.  


Positioning of additional logo elements

Additional logo elements may be positioned flush left or flush right below of the Brand Tag. The distance to the edges may not be less than 0.2 B. The maximum size of logos in landscape format is 6/5 B. Logos in portrait format should not exceed 1.2 B in height.


Standard and outline Brand Tag versions


Standard and outline Brand Tag versions

The standard version is used on darker backgrounds, which provide sufficient contrast. The outline Brand Tag version is used on pale or white backgrounds.

Use of product category colors in the Brand Tag


Use of product category colors in the Brand Tag

The product brand area color of the Brand Tag always corresponds to the respective product category. These colors serve to identify the product categories and must not be altered in any way.

Grayscale and line art Brand Tags for specific requirements


Grayscale and line art Brand Tags for specific requirements


1 | Full-color BrandTag with black line art Bayer Cross 

If the BrandTag does not meet the requirements of certain printing techniques (especially in label printing), the line art version of the Bayer Cross should be used. This version also has to be used if the width of Brand Tag is less than 52 mm. The general rule is that the line art version has to be used if the diameter of the Bayer Cross is less than 10 mm.


2 | Brand Tag as simplified grayscale version 

The grayscale version should only be used if it can be printed properly. The gray of the product brand area remains unchanged for all product categories.


3 | Brand Tag as black line art version 

The line art black version should only be used for economical reasons.



If you have any further questions, please contact:
Matthias Lindecke
Matthias Lindecke
Crop Protection
+49 2173 38-3633
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