Exhibitions, Meetings & Events

Exhibitions, Meetings and Events provide our attendees with a sensory live or online live (virtual) brand experience and communicate a holistic understanding of the benefits Bayer brings. Bayer strengthens the company’s most important value drivers by presenting the corporate brand as an overarching umbrella for multiple products, topics or solutions.

All relevant materials and examples are put together in the Exhibition, Meeting & Events Folder. We have also directly linked the following core topics for you to find specific needs even more quickly …
Booth Design Manual – to give some information of how to implement.
Rollups & Backdrops, Poster & Moderationcards – to brand your activity
– Rollups
– Backdrops
– Poster
– Moderationcards
Reallife Examples (Exhibition & Events) – with pictures of country projects
Name Badges – and Table Signs
Bayer Brand Screen – a ready to use visual content tool, illustrating our Mission „Health for all, Hunger for none“.
Animated Brand Assets – as inspiration or ready to use material
Green Screen Production Backgrounds - a fertile way to give ambience to your virtual event
Backgrounds – for virtual Meetings
Future Meeting Space Studies, Bayer participated in – as a source of information
Brandstore – as a resource or inspiration for Brand Ambassador items.
Official Sonic Event Assets – during breaks or before the start of the event
– Sonic Event Assets
– Sonic Assets by Topic
As #TeamBayer can also learn from your examples, it would be great to share these also with us.
If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: