Promotional Items

Promotional items must be in line with Bayer’s self-understanding and aspirations, and also help to boost Bayer’s brand image in the recipients’ minds. Bayer’s self-understanding and aspirations are defined in the Brand chapter.
Ground rules
When logos are to be used, please use nothing but the downloadable versions of each logo. There are special logo files for certain printing processes, such as flex printing. Other combinations are not permitted.
Each promotional item must bear at least one Bayer Cross, which may be the individual Bayer Cross or a product logo that includes the Bayer Cross as an element of the logo. All the rules detailed under Bayer Cross must be complied with.
The colors of a promotional item should harmonize well with the Bayer brand colors and facilitate optimal visibility and recognition of the Bayer brand. Higher-value promotional items made of, for example, leather, wood or metal may also keep their own color.
The items you select must be always in line with Bayer’s quality and reliability standards, and offer genuine benefit(s) and/or added value. They must also be attractive with a sophisticated appearance or elegant design so that even first impressions are of the highest quality.
Promotional items may only be produced and given to recipients if the items in question comply with Bayer’s corporate compliance guidelines and the customary safety standards.
Corporate Compliance Guidelines
Standard items can be purchased online, e.g. through the Bayer Corporate Shop, which also offers branded items for the LIFE Campaign:
Brand Store and Webshop
In case there is any doubt, distributors are not permitted to use our trademarks. The use of our trademarks by a distributor on their own material is considered to be reference advertising and has to be legally reviewed and explicitly authorized by
Corporate Trademarks (for internal use only).
Moreover, no co-promotion is permitted with distributors or other partners where both the distributor’s and our trademarks are to be used.
See more details under Trademark Management.
Bayer Cross and product logos
If product logos are used on promotional items, they must be used together with the Bayer Cross. The maximum height of the product brand must not appear to be larger than the Bayer Cross, although specific design features of the product brand (e.g. a typographical flourish such as the “Q” of Qlaira) may extend beyond the dimensions of the Bayer Cross. The spacing between the Bayer Cross and the product name is always 0.25 B (B = diameter of the Bayer Cross).
If product brands include their own logo, the Bayer Cross must be positioned so that it is clearly separated from the product logo. Although both trademarks should be in the same area of the promotional item, they must be widely apart with the minimum spacing of one Bayer Cross diameter (= 1 B) always applicable. The optimal placement of the Bayer Cross is above and to the right of the product brand. The maximum height of the product brand must not appear to be higher than the Bayer Cross. All the rules detailed under Bayer Cross must be complied with.
If the Bayer Cross is part of the product logo, a second Bayer Cross does not need to be used. In this case, the Cross remains part of the product logo and is not removed from it. If a product logo does not include the Bayer Cross, the product logo must be used as an endorser brand and always positioned according to the rules stated here.
Bayer Cross and custom logos
Custom logos may only be used on promotional items along with the Bayer Cross. The minimum spacing of one Bayer Cross diameter (= 1 B) between the Bayer Cross and the custom logo applies. Such logos can also be placed on the various surfaces of promotional items. [EXAMPLE represents any approved custom logo]
The Bayer Cross must never be smaller than 50% of the height of the custom logo. Compliance with the minimal diameter of 13 mm for the 4c version and 5 mm for the dashed line version is mandatory.
Branding of promotional item and packaging
The branding on the promotional item itself must include all the relevant logos. You must not put one logo on the packaging and a different one on the promotional item. Both items must feature the same logos. External packaging must always be branded with the Bayer Cross.
Colors of promotional items
The colors of promotional items must never clash with Bayer’s corporate colors. Optimal visibility and recognition of the Bayer brand are the critical factors.
Expensive promotional items and logo backgrounds
On expensive promotional items with a color of their own the Bayer Cross can be adapted to correspond to the item’s tonal value. However, it must only be used once per item and reproduced in the highest quality possible.
As a rule, the Bayer Cross is printed, stamped, engraved, etc. directly onto a promotional item. However, in exceptional circumstances the Bayer Cross may also be attached to stickers. Please ensure that the Bayer Cross never runs across seams, edges, etc. The visual impact should be striking, whatever production technology is selected.
Colored, black or white Bayer Cross on promotional textile
The additional use of a custom logo is permitted on promotional items, e.g. for branding event shirts. But branding textiles with product brands is only permitted if the Bayer Cross is used as well. Depending on the color of the material, the Bayer Cross used must be black or white. For details see
If the Bayer Cross is being embroidered, the 4c version can be used.
If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: