Corporate Language

As a truly global company, with employees and customers around the world, we need to use a language – for internal as well as external purposes and communication – that can be easily understood by as many people as possible.
Due to the widespread distribution in science, culture, politics, etc. the English language in its American variety undoubtably meets the above mentioned requirements best. So, as a matter of principle, we set as our official Corporate Language for internal as well as for external communications.
American English
- As the Headquarters of Bayer AG are located in Germany, we have to communicate and announce certain contents, messages and documents in German due to legal requirements; other Bayer entities, sites or branches in other countries may also be obliged to use their respective local language.
- Although in principle American English is our Corporate Language and therefore should be used for communications and exchanges, of course colleagues who have the same native language may use it for one-to-one communication, provided they don't exclude colleagues with other native languages from the conversation.
- Customer-centricity in practice means that local customers and external Stakeholders should, of course, be addressed in their respective language.
lf necessary, texts originating or written in a specific language should be translated by a professional translator, whose native language is ideally the target language.
In general, please use our Bayer Translation Network for this.
As a basic principle, we see translations not as a literal, word-forword recreation, but rather as a flexible shift, maintaining the meaning with respect to the characteristics of the target language.
When it comes to advertising and communications, we extend our translation philosophy (see “basic principle” in the opposite text box) even further.
Because in this area it's crucial to be creative - using the possibilities of the target language, even playing with words.
To transfer our disruptive spirit into new languages takes more than ‘just’ translation: it takes a full understanding and creative use of the characteristics of the target language.
If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: