Design of headline and graphic device
The employer branding compositions are based on the interaction of two elements: the headline and the graphic device. Other features of the compositions, e.g. the design and the colors used, depend on the image chosen.
Besides the general typography rules (Key Elements / Typography), which apply here too, the following specific rules apply to the new employer branding compositions. The power of our new employer branding is its flexibility and the freedom it offers you. This means that you will now play a much bigger role in developing messages, and choosing images to ensure they are relevant in your market and resonate with your local talent (see Opportunities in your hand).
The headline
The headline always consists of 2 prompts:
1. Hero headline always starting with “Be” (freely selectable from the headline catalogue)
= Neue Helvetica 46 Light italic
2. Be Bayer. (unchangeable element)
= Neue Helvetica 75 Bold
The headline can be set in two or more lines depending on its length and on the format (portrait/landscape) and the selected position on the image. The last line always consists of “Be Bayer.” The alignment of the text is freely selectable and should create a dynamic line break.

Please note: The headline “Be You. Be Bayer.” states an exception. We capitalize the „You” whereas all other headlines are written in lowercase. Reasons are that “Be You. Be Bayer.” is the name of our employer brand and we want to highlight the “You”.
The graphic device – dynamic angle
The graphic device is made up of two straight lines intersecting at a dynamic angle. The minimum line angle is 12°. Other angles that can be used range between 12° and 80°.
The angle between the two intersecting lines has to be at least 6° and no more than 30°.
The headline in combination with the graphic device
Easy and flexible to combinate: The headline is always placed on the right side of the graphic device. If possible the hero headline starts preferably near the point where the two lines forming the graphic device intersect. Use two of our 12 palette colors for the graphic device, ensuring good contrast to the background.

If you have any further questions about the employer branding section of the Bayer Identity Net, please contact:
The color combinations
Use Bayer dark blue or white for the hero headline and any other color of the Bayer color palette for “Be Bayer.” Optimal contrast to the background and good readability must be ensured.
The two intersecting lines always have two different colors from the Bayer color palette. Do not use white for either of the two lines. The line strength has been clearly defined for each application and format.

What to avoid
The following examples show usages that should be avoided.