Good packaging design and consistent branding are important for brand recognition, customer loyalty and trust, and a prerequisite for successful sales. You will find all the binding, up-to-date rules for the packaging design of Bayer products in this section.
If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact:
Basic rules for product and packaging design
These rules ensure that the numerous Bayer products have a uniform identity through the systematic combination on products and packaging of our two value drivers, the corporate brand and product brands. This helps Bayer products to stand out in an increasingly diverse competitive environment.
Each Bayer product has to be marked with the Bayer Cross at the top and in the immediate proximity of the product brand. If the Bayer Cross is a fixed part of the product name (e.g. Aspirin), no additional Cross is necessary.
The individual conditions, requirements and strengths of the product brands will be taken into account in the positioning of the Bayer Cross.
A prominently placed Bayer Cross must not be allowed to rob the packaging of its familiar product appearance. The Bayer Cross should preferably be placed to the left of the product name/product brand. Alternatively, it can be placed above the product brand, or to the right of it.
The size of the Bayer Cross must be harmoniously proportional to the overall impact of the product brand.
When using a product brand featuring a very large logotype or composite marks, you must ensure an appropriate presence for the Bayer Cross with a correspondingly large space around it.
Both the Bayer logotype and the Bayer Cross must be used independently on packaging and inserts. Where foreign character versions of the Bayer logotype are used, e.g. in China, these versions must also be included.

All the rules specified in the section entitled “Key Elements: Bayer Cross” apply to the use of the Bayer Cross.
OTC brands
RFX (ethical brands)
All Pharmaceuticals packaging must comply with the existing WAVE design. These and other rules are explained in detail in “packaging guidelines for Pharmaceutical brands”.
Crop Science brands
The Crop Science Product Branding site contains precise specifications for packaging design. Since the general rules for Bayer product and packaging design have already been implemented there, these design specifications continue to be valid. Packaging rules for:
Environmental Science Professional
Legal requirements
Our brands will only be protected in the long term if they are used correctly, particularly with regard to packaging. Please note that both the Bayer logotype and the Bayer Cross must be used on the packaging. Please ensure that the ™ (trademark) and ® (registered) symbols are used correctly and consistently with our product brands. In explanatory texts on packaging, please ensure that the product name is used correctly. You will find information on these topics in the “Brand” section under:
In addition, please note that local and national legal requirements for packaging are mandatory.
Both the Bayer logotype and the Bayer Cross must be used independently on packaging and on other product-related materials (invoices, package inserts, etc.). Where foreign character versions of the Bayer logotype are used, e.g. in China, these versions must also be included. For further details and information, please contact the responsible person in your country. If you have any specific questions, please contact the relevant legal department in your business unit.
Exceptions may apply in cases where multinational product packaging is used. Please contact the Trademarks Department (for internal use only) in such a case. The transliterations can be downloaded from the Media Pool.
For further details and information, please contact the responsible person in your country.

Please make sure you apply the rules. Before designing any new packaging, carefully check this section of Bayer Identity Net to see if you have got the most recent version of the manual, i.e. if the rules have been updated.