Label Author

The Label Author (or Label Co-ordinator), is a person or a group of people belonging to a Country Organization within Crop Science where the manufactured product(s) should go to. The Label Author is responsible for one single country, for a group of countries or a region.
Depending on the individual organization in the goods receiving country, this person/group belongs to Supply Chain, Regulatory or Marketing. A Label Author should not belong to the organization of a specific production site as a clear differentiation between responsibility for contend and usage in logistics processes is mandatory.
A Label Author is taking the ownership within the process of creating, approving and
managing PDF artwork files for printed packaging @ Bayer’s Crop Science Division.
Artwork management includes closing, limiting extending the validity period in case of (upcoming) changes of registration or production needs.
The Label Author always has to take into account:
- branding guidelines defining the design
- regulatory and marketing requirements for the text appearing on the labels/bags, including validities of registration
- limitations of the size of a packaging expressed in its technical drawing.
Mandatory use of the e-Label-Server
All Label Authors have to use the e-Label-Server platform for managing his/her PDF artwork files. The Label Author will be given full access to the e-Label-Server platform and he/she defines if he/she wants to have one group on the e-Label-Server or several. This to separate between different organizational units (e.g. Crop Protection separated from Row Crops separated from Veg business).
Access to the e-Label-Server for a new colleague is only given if his/her predecessor confirms having provided detailed training sessions to his/her successor, or after having joined a training provided by Artwork & Specification Management team.
Transfer of new PDF artwork to Label Author
The Label Author defines if new PDF artwork files are send to him/her as mail attachment for further upload on e-Label-Server or whether the indirect upload functionality of the e-Label-Server needs to be used. In this case, the Agency will be responsible to upload the PDF artwork file on e-Label-Server. The PDF artwork file will process through our internal review and approval workflow before becoming valid on the e-Label-Server.
Quality control of PDF artwork files
The Label Authors should provide new PDF artwork files in a quality being in accordance with the terms and conditions of the PDF/X-1a-specification. This is to ensure that the provided new PDF artwork file is “ready-to-print” and fosters good printing quality. It is the Label Author’s responsibility to ensure only approved and quality-proven new PDF artwork files are uploaded onto the e-Label-Server platform.
Upload of PDF artwork file with the required information
The Label Author must indicate country-specific requirements on the e-Label-Server (e.g. select “Track & Trace”) when uploading a new PDF artwork file for any of the EMEA production sites. If available space on a label is not large enough to cover all text and images, he/she must contact the related production site.
Workplace requirements
Working as a Label Author requires a lot of comparison work. A working place with two widescreen monitors helps and having Adobe Acrobat DC being installed is a must.
Individual training and help is available through

If you have any further questions, please contact: