Colors & Typography
Main colors
The three main corporate colors below must always by adhered to. Where possible the Pantone color system must be used, however if the need arises CMYK (e.g. advertising within an editorial format) or RGB (e.g. PowerPoint presentations) can also be used.
Pantone | Black |
RGB | 0/0/0 |
CMYK | 0/0/0/100 |
Pantone | 369 |
RGB | 113/191/69 |
CMYK | 60/0/100/0 |
Pantone | 1595 |
RGB | 246/130/31 |
CMYK | 0/60/100/0 |
For new product brand names, please use our corporate typeface Gotham Bold Italic in uppercase or mixed case.
If you have any further questions, please contact: