E-Cards Around the Holiday Seasons

The end of the calendar year is a time when many of us get in touch with all our contacts to let them know we are thinking of them. This might be for Christmas, Diwali, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Ramadan, or simply to celebrate another year and wish them the best start into the new one. Whatever the occasion, the e-cards section of the Identity Net is there to help you.
Our Bayer branded e-cards are available for our employees. The range is bigger than ever, with many categories and visuals to suit any occasion. Whether you want to contact a friend, colleague, customer, or supplier, you will hopefully find something suitable for you.
Please feel also invited to make proposals if you miss a category, event, or celebration day. Just write an e-mail to identitynet@bayer.com.
You can send e-cards to as many as 50 people at a time, free of charge. To get started, just browse the selection below, and choose your preferred card design. Within a few clicks, you’ll be sending greetings all over the world.