Bayer Cross

Competence, quality and trust
The Bayer Cross is one of the world’s most renowned and well-known trademarks. It builds on our strong heritage – representing science, performance and reliability, visualized by the blue side; innovation, sustainability and life focus, symbolized by the green side. The circle stands for wholeness, protection, and commitment.
The value of our logo is very high and therefore protected worldwide. The guiding principles outlined here should help you to both apply and protect our logo.
Full-Color Positive Bayer Cross

Full-Color Reverse Bayer Cross
Use the primary white Bayer Cross when there is a color background. The full-color reverse Cross should appear on the dark hues of our colour palette to ensure sufficient contrast and full legibility at all times.

How to use the logo
- Use the four-color versions unless there are legibility issues.
- Only use the black logo if you are unable to print in color.
- All elements of the Bayer Cross have a fixed size and position in relation to each other. The logo exists as a unique set of master artwork files.
- The logo options shown here are the only versions permitted from now onwards.

Minimum sizes for print
- Always use the full-color logo, unless it will be smaller than 10 mm in diameter.
- Below 10 mm but at least 5mm in diameter, use the single-color version.
- The Bayer Cross never appears below 5 mm in diameter.
Size for digital channels
- There is no fixed size of the logo for digital usage. Use the logo the way you feel is right in your website, social media channel, post, app, image banner or ad.
- The Bayer Cross is to be used in color wherever possible.
Usage of Bayer Cross on colored background
To ensure maximum impact and stand out of the Bayer logomark use the following guide:

Misuse of the Full-Color Positive Bayer Cross
Whenever you use the full positive Bayer logo ensure sufficient color contrast between the logo and background elements to aid that Bayer is really identified as the originator and sender of the messages. Use high contrast color combinations and avoid relying solely on color to convey information.
We show here some examples of misuse of the Full-Color Positive Cross.

This page shows examples of misuse of our Full-Color Reverse Logo.

Placing the logo in layouts
- You can place the Bayer Cross on the left or right-hand side, depending on what best suits your composition (see diagram below). Always avoid placing it in the middle.
- On extremely narrow formats only place the logo at the ends of the smaller side of the format.
- We recommend using a consistent position for communications belonging to the same family e.g. a range of brochures.
- If the item you’re designing has a convention for where logos are placed, we recommend following it (e.g. websites).

The Bayer Cross and logotype

Use this version to add impact where it appears to improve readability and recognition and in restricted spaces or at a small size (e.g. sponsor walls at events or perimeter advertising at sports events).
Minimum clear space

Always allow a space of at least ¼ of the logo diameter all around the square on which the logo sits.
Photographic backgrounds
On light and dark photographic backgrounds, use the full-color positive and reversed-out versions respectively, as shown. If standout is compromised (e.g. on green or pale blue backgrounds), use the white version.
The positive color version works on backgrounds with a tonal range equivalent to 0–20% tint of black. The reverse color version works on backgrounds with a tonal range equivalent to 60–100% tint of black.

Other aspects to consider
Make the use of the Bayer Cross clearly accessible for visually impaired persons.
Don’t incorporate the Bayer Cross into custom logos or logotypes. For further information see here.
Don’t place the Bayer Cross in or on other graphic elements such as lines or curves. The only exception to this is using it in its entirety or as a bleed to make a creative background such as a watermark.
All third-party uses of the Bayer Cross and/or logo require written consent declaration from Trademarks Department. This applies worldwide for all partners, agencies, and suppliers. For further information see here.
Product and corporate brands need to be considered together so they appear unified, consistent, and mutually beneficial.
Position of the Bayer Cross in Web pages
On websites where a product or a campaign is the focus, the Bayer Cross is on the right-hand side of the header, leaving space in the naming area for the brand or campaign title. On these websites the Bayer Cross must be linked to either the global Bayer Portal, or the local corporate country portal.
On websites where corporate content is the focus, the Bayer Cross is on the left-hand side of the header with the naming area. On these websites the Bayer Cross is linked to the homepage of the website.

For details concerning color specifications, file names and abbreviations, see the appropriate; overview PDF for screen/print or for flexo printing, which will be added automatically to your search results.

If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: