Our Mission

At Bayer, we believe it’s possible to create a better world. One where health care and nutrition are available to all. One where science and innovation help people and the planet thrive.
Our mission: Health for all, Hunger for none
This is a bold statement. And we know how much work, engagement and open collaboration it takes to achieve it. We want to contribute to a world where the most essential human needs for health and nutrition are met. Our business strategy is set to work towards achieving this mission – that’s why we communicate our mission with full thrust.
We empower #TeamBayer across the world to drive mission-centric communications and create the best possible visibility for what Bayer is working towards: Health for all, Hunger for none.
Communication teams across the organization are encouraged to leverage global guidance and visual treatment as well as produce their own adaptation. In countries where an adaptation translated into the local language is better perceived in the target group, this adaptation can be used after consultation with the global brand team (responsibility for the process lies with the local Communications team).
Guidance on using our mission in communications:
Health for all, Hunger for none – our singular ambition and fundamental agenda in the world; our bold aspiration and thus much more than just a tagline.
Our mission must always be communicated in its full form and never split into separate statements, e.g. never use just ‘Health for all’ or ‘Hunger for none’
It can be used liberally internally and externally as the mission statement to position Bayer
Our mission – Health for all, Hunger for none – can be used for positioning and differentiating Bayer internally and externally. It offers freedom and flexibility. Ideally, it is not used in isolation but when talking about our bold aspirations in health, nutrition and sustainability. Think about how individual topics and initiatives contribute to achieving the mission – this is what we are most enthusiastic about communicating.
Guidance for the visual treatment of the mission
Mission statement as a headline or body copy
You may use the mission as a headline, part of a text or body copy, or in presentations where a comprehensible context can be given.
Health for all, Hunger for none
Examples for verbal and visual expression:
For verbal treatment you can use the following wording:
We are working towards our mission: Health for all, Hunger for none
Pursuing Health for all, Hunger for none together
Striving for a world of Health for all, Hunger for none
A company dedicated to Health for all, Hunger for none
#TeamBayer: Enabling health for all and hunger for none
Mission statement with graphic device

You can write the mission in body copy or any other kind of running text in one of two ways: with or without the graphic device, and in one or two lines. To express our dynamic and visionary brand personality, we recommend to use italic type in artworks. Whether or not quotation marks are used in an English text will depend on the context.
The mission treatment allows great flexibility as it can be used in white on colored backgrounds or in dark blue on light backgrounds. Legibility should always be ensured.
You can place the Bayer Cross and mission together or separately, depending on what best suits your composition. When placing the mission together with the Bayer Cross, always allow a minimum clear space of at least ¼ of the logo. Here are examples of how to use the Mission statement with a graphic device.
Ready-to-use assets can be easily integrated into various communications activities. Feel free to use, localize or develop your own visual treatment of ”Health for all, Hunger for none” based on the current
If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: