

Bayer stationery displays only the Bayer Cross as the sender. Official company information is placed in the right-hand margin and arranged in a predefined order. The information in the right-hand margin needs to be personalized according to your legal entity. When in doubt, take a look at your e-mail footer for the required information for the marginal column.


Business correspondence


A print PDF, an InDesign document and the Word template (with the Bayer Cross for blank paper) are available for all letterhead versions shown here. A PDF containing letterhead dimensions, spacing, typeface, etc. is also available to facilitate customization in countries that use neither DIN or U.S. formats.

All business correspondence should be printed on normal blank paper using the Word template that includes the 4c Bayer Cross.


Arial Regular is the typeface required for the text of every Word letterhead. Further details and instructions on the use of Word files can be found in MS Office Word Template Solutions.

empower for Microsoft Office

You can use empower application for the creation of correctly formatted, well-behaved, brand compliant letterheads in Microsoft Word quickly and easily. Or if you want to have the Bayer logo on the top right of your documents: You can install the empower on your PC via the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub or via Company Portal (for Intune migrated users). Visit the Bayer empower Yammer Community for more information on how to create your letterhead correctly. This is only possible for Bayer users.



How to order letterheads

Legacy Monsanto employees, please refer to the green box on the right for more information.


Please order plain paper in the same way as you have ordered stationery items up to now.


The procurement process differs across the Bayer world. In Germany, for example, letterheads are individualized and produced by Territory, via this SmartBuy link (link for internal use only) and in the U.S. stationery items are produced by Ricoh USA Inc. The order process is described here (link for internal use only).

The one worldwide exception is that the following companies must use this Open Shop link: Territory (link for internal use only).

  • Pallas AG 
  • Bayer Real Estate 
  • Bayer Travelboard 
  • Bayer Weimar 
  • Bayer Schweiz AG 
  • Bayer Consumer Care AG
  • GP Grenzach 
  • Bayer Vital GmbH

All other legal entities and companies worldwide are kindly requested to contact their local procurement department.



Basic design principles for SAP documents
The general design rules for letterheads also apply to SAP documents. The basic design principles for these documents are available for both portrait and landscape formats.

If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: