Unlocking the Potential of the Identity Net: How external partners can benefit

The Identity Net is an invaluable resource for Bayer colleagues – but did you know we aren’t the only group it is for? External parties who need it can have access to the Identity Net, and in the case of long-term term collaborations, it’s not only permitted but actively beneficial…
Many of the stories in this Best Practice section focus on how Bayer colleagues use our brand platform – or, occasionally, how other external companies use their own brand platforms. But there’s a third category, in between those two: how external partners use the Bayer brand platform, the Identity Net, to help implement successful creative campaigns that align with our Bayer brand guidelines.
How does this happen? Because, as a company, we often work with external partners – such as creative agencies, PR and communications agencies, events companies, and other suppliers – who get involved with devising and executing Bayer-branded projects. Since it is essential that they have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the Bayer brand and the use of the mission Health for all, Hunger for none, they also need to have access to the Identity Net.

“There are many branded projects where Bayer colleagues and external partners work together as ‘one team’,” says Bernhard Grupp, Brand Education and Enablement. “For those teams to function properly and to unleash the brand potential successfully, it’s important that everyone has a shared understanding of the Bayer brand. If some team members fully understand it and some don’t, that will lead to difficulties – either you risk the results being incoherent, or some team members have to spend a lot of time getting the others up to speed.
“With the Identity Net by their side, creative teams can work seamlessly to produce powerful and brand-compliant creative output. That’s why it’s important that agencies and other external partners can have access too. In fact, several are already using it, and they are telling us just how beneficial it is.”
If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact:
How do external partners get access?
You can approve access for external agencies by yourself. The agency should have the following link to the registration page and fill in the respective account request form. As well as their basic contact information, they will need to give a reason why they need access, and details of their Bayer ‘sponsor’ – in other words, the person they are currently working with. That person will be asked to validate the access request. The final activation is done by the contact person of the Corporate Brand Management team.
Once that is done and registration is complete, the external partner will have access to the full Identity Net and Media Pool.
Who should and shouldn’t have access?
Setting up an Identity Net account can provide important access to assets and insight for those who need it. But it’s important to acknowledge that it isn’t for everyone.
If a partner just needs one-off information, or an image supplying, it’s best just to do that directly rather than give them full Identity Net access. At the other end of the scale are those partners who work with us on a long-term basis and don’t just need assets, but also a clear understanding of the brand and the values behind it. These are the people who should have their own logins – and not only that, but also be encouraged to visit the Identity Net regularly so they stay up to date on the latest brand developments.
“The Identity Net is the best place to experience the whole Bayer brand, from the vision behind it to its foundational pillars to its real-world executions,” says Bernhard Grupp. “If you’re working with a partner who would benefit from that, then it’s time to get them access. We don’t need to give a login to everyone we ever work with, but if an agency or partner is working closely with us and becoming fully embedded in the brand, then absolutely, they need it.”
Do you work with an agency on brand-related projects?
Why not check if they currently have a login for the Identity Net and are using it? If they need access granting, you can direct them to the registration page, contact the Global Branding Team, or see here for further information.
What do our creative partners say?
“I use the Identity Net at least once a month. Sometimes it’s for a specific reason – such as if I’m working on an unfamiliar format and need certain templates, guidelines or reference materials. But I also make a habit of just visiting it in general, to refresh my knowledge on the brand and to see if there have been any new updates or additions to it. Overall, the Identity Net and Media Pool help us create assets in a way that’s brand-compliant and consistent with already existing materials. To guarantee brand identity and consistency, you need guidelines, and the Identity Net is the place to find them. This helps a lot in daily business.”
Dirk, Art Director
“As Bayer evolves towards a 360-degree brand with a dynamic personality, it’s important for me to keep up to date. That’s why having on-demand access to the Identity Net is a much better solution for me, compared to just being sent brand guidelines as a one-off. Now, I can find brand news as it’s published, review guidelines at any time, and stay close to Bayer’s brand values – so I can always reflect them in the copy I write.”
Colin, Content Writer
“Brands don’t exist in a vacuum. In reality, they are determined collaboratively, by the words and actions of the people who contribute to a company’s brand every day. As such, it’s important for the Identity Net – the ultimate brand resource for Bayer – to be collaborative too. Being able to access the Identity Net means I’m part of the Bayer brand community and can do a better job of advising and supporting my contacts at Bayer.”
Teresa, PR Consultant