FAQ: Legacy Monsanto Transition
We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about Bayer endorsed Brand Level 1 to Level 5. The FAQs provide you with quick answers listed by categories. If your question is not covered or answered below, please get in touch with one of your contacts listed on the right margin.
FAQs Miscellaneous
If a Level 1 – 3 legacy Monsanto brand has received the Bayer Cross endorser, should we immediately update marketing, communication or advertising materials?
Yes, but changes should be made when practical. If there are still high amounts of materials/packaging or the scope of all changes will be costly, discuss or address this topic with your regional marketing leadership. Please act wisely, it is recommended to update brands when new advertising materials are produced.
Is it necessary to have brand communication materials approved by someone in the global team?
No. Regional and country marketing teams will be responsible for the implementation of the new branding guidelines. In case of questions, please contact global branding/marketing communication or global digital for help.
My region/country legal team tells me we will continue using the old Monsanto legal entity name in the legals. If this is true, can we make these branding updates and changes to marketing materials, or do we need to wait until the legal entity can be updated?
While our company is Bayer, the Monsanto legal entity structure remains in place until the legal entity consolidation process is completed. Depending on the country, this process may take up to several years.
Until the completion of consolidation is communicated, no changes should be made to legal entity names on product registrations, permits, agreements or other legal documents etc. When these legal entity changes are complete, all employees of the legal entity will be notified along with instructions and guidance on necessary changes.
However, trademark legals and other legal requirements will be updated and include the Bayer name. As always, it is important that all materials are reviewed by your country/region legal or trademark counsel to ensure compliance with updated wording and legals.
In the past, the Crop Protection team received the guideline to place a phrase like the following in our marketing materials: “Roundup® is a trademark of the Bayer Group.” Do they have to keep doing it or not?
As always, check with your region/country legal and trademark counsel to review how this should be done.
Do e-mail templates need to be updated?
All Bayer employees should use the Bayer e-mail signature, unless they are customer-facing for one of the Level 5 seed or Climate FieldView brands. See Bayer Identity Net Guidelines.
Are there any guidelines for use in owned social media?
Comprehensive guidelines for Social Media can be found in the Digital Guide in the Identity Net.
In the past, Bayer Crop Science country websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with new legacy Monsanto commercial brands?
All Level 1 – 4 brands can and mostly should be listed in a product overview of the Customer Website. To increase cross-selling opportunities for a diligent and consistent User Experience, interlinking from Customer Websites to product microsites should be offered.
Best practice for interlinkage is to embed branded logos and teaser content on a landing page within the Customer Website. The landing page provides descriptive content and navigates customers, if desired, to the individual brand websites or bundled product brands microsites outside of the combined portfolio Customer Websites.
Individual brand websites or bundled product brands microsites for commercial brands are permitted but not mandatory.
Should we update hundreds of banners and traffic them?
Please act wisely, we recommend you to update your banners when new banner or advertising material needs to be produced. As there is a high amount of advertising material, please address or discuss this topic with your regional marketing leadership.
FAQs Level 1
In the past, Bayer Crop Science country websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with new legacy Monsanto commercial brands?
All Level 1 herbicide brands will be displayed with the appropriate Bayer Cross endorser brand. Herbicides displayed with a Bayer Brand Tag are part of the Crop Science combined portfolio on Customer Websites and must follow the Customer Website UX Design Guidelines.
Guidelines for all Level 1 brands can be found on the Identity Net Digital Marketing Customer Website.
Is it allowed to include Level 1 brands in websites with other brands of our portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross.
Are there guidelines about where the Bayer logo needs to appear for Level 1 brands? Does it need to appear on every page? Is the footer okay?
For all Level 1 brands, you will find guidelines on the Identity Net Digital Marketing Customer Website.
Is there a minimum pixel size for the “Brand Tag” for digital usage?
Guidelines for digital Brand Tag usage can be found on the Identity Net Digital Product Branding website.
Do we need to make immediate updates to Level 1 websites?
Please act wisely, we recommend you to update your websites as soon as their life cycle is over and new Level 1 websites need to be developed. As there can be many different websites, please discuss or address this topic with your regional marketing leadership.
Where to find Level 1 digital ads?
Guidelines for Level 1 digital ads can be found on the Identity Net under the chapter “Advertisements, Poster and Brochures” as well as “Roll-up Displays and Billboards”.
Do we need to update all Level 1 digital ads that are currently promoted?
Please act wisely, we recommend you to update your digital ads when new digital advertisements or advertising material need to be produced. As there is a high amount of digital advertising material, please address or discuss this topic with your regional marketing leadership.
How do these level treatments translate to copy executions including advertising copy, marketing copy, social media, press releases etc.? Should the word “Bayer” be added to all Level 1 herbicide brands?
This depends on the objectives of the campaign. Using “Bayer” in copy for Level 1 brands is recommended, but not always mandatory. If the word “Bayer” helps create more relevant traffic or helps uplift the campaign, then it can be included.
For all the legacy Monsanto crop protection brands moving to the “Level 1”, the brand design will change – how do we get the new Brand Tag for marketing use?
Bayer Brand Tags for all “Level 1” herbicides are being created by global brand marketing and will be available on the MarCom Intranet website and ImageBank.
Will Arize®, the legacy Crop Science rice seed brand, be treated as Level 2 seed brand?
No, all Crop Science legacy brands will remain as created. Also Arize® will keep its brand design for reasons of consistency and continuity.
What about trade shows, industry events, field events etc., where we would normally feature the full Bayer Crop Science portfolio of product brands? What can and cannot be included with Bayer?
“Level 1” herbicides with the Bayer Brand Tag may be included individually or as part of a group of Bayer Crop Science brands. The Bayer Cross is part of these herbicides’ Brand Tags.
Is it allowed to include Level 1 brands in trade shows etc. with other brands of our portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross.
How will the new Brand Tag design impact the packaging label design?
For all Level 1 brands, the new Brand Tag will be part of the new label design. “How to apply” guidelines can be found on the Identity Net under the chapter Basic Packaging Design Elements.
How should we handle packaging changes if we are adding the Bayer Cross?
There are other changes coming that will include legal entity change, trademarks etc. The inclusion of the new label design (Level 1) is recommended with the next production/printing cycle to support a consistent look and feel across all touchpoints.
Do we plan to change physical packaging (e. g. canister) following the Bayer standard called “Smartline” packaging?
For all Level 1 Crop Protection products, “Smartline” packaging is a good option. A final decision on this question will be made by the global packaging team.
FAQs Level 2
In the past, Bayer Crop Science country websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with new legacy Monsanto Level 2 commercial brands?
Bayer Level 2 seed brands (DEKALB®, Asgrow®, Deltapine®, Seminis®, De Ruiter®) can appear as individual brand sites or as bundled product brands microsites by promoting the value of the brands. Since the product brand is at center stage, the brand logo should appear in the prominent left side of the naming area, followed by the Bayer Cross on the right side in the header.
Individual seed brand websites or bundled product brands microsites for prominent endorsed global seed commercial brands are permitted but not mandatory.
If Level 2 seed brands are part of the Crop Science portfolio on combined Customer Websites, the UX Design Guidelines must be applied. Best practice for interlinkage is to embed branded logos and teaser content on a landing page within the Customer Website.
The landing page provides descriptive content and navigates customers to the individual brand websites or bundled product brands microsites outside of the combined portfolio Customer Websites, if desired.
More information can be found on the Identity Net Digital Marketing Customer Website.
Is it allowed to include Level 2 brands in websites with other brands of our portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’, endorsed with the Bayer Cross. However, some of our most valuable seed brands are in the Level 2 category and a separate brand website might be required in addition.
The decision about integrating Level 2 brands into the overall Crop Science Customer Website versus a separate brand website should be taken by the regional marketing teams. A decision tree is provided to help facilitate this action.
Are there guidelines on where the Bayer logo needs to appear for Level 2 brands? Does it need to appear on every page? Is the footer okay?
For all Level 2 brands you will find guidelines on the Identity Net Digital Product Branding Website.
Do we need to update Level 2 digital ads that are currently running?
Please act wisely, we recommend you to update your digital ads when new digital advertisements or advertising material need to be produced. As there is a high amount of digital advertising material, please address or discuss this topic with your regional marketing leadership.
Do we need to make immediate updates to the Level 2 brand websites?
The changes for Level 2 brand websites will be minor. However, please act wisely, we recommend you to update your websites as soon as their life cycle is over and a new brand website needs to be developed. As there is a high amount of websites, please address or discuss this topic with your regional marketing leadership.
Where to find Level 2 guidelines for digital ads?
Guidelines for digital ads can be found on the Identity Net under the chapter “Advertisements, Poster and Brochures” as well as “Roll-up Displays and Billboards”.
Can we get more clarity on Level 2 branding through digital channels?
More direction on applying the new branding guidelines for Level 2 digital ads can be found on the Identity Net under the chapter “Advertisements, Poster and Brochures” as well as “Roll-up Displays and Billboards”.
How should we handle trait brands which are co-branded with other brands such as endorsed (Level 2) seed brands?
The Bayer Cross will appear on advertising for Level 2 seed brands, even if the seed brand appears with trait brands.
If shown, the trait brand logo appears as usual with no changes. Logos for trait brands are Level 5 and do not carry a Bayer Cross endorser.
Example: While the VT3PRO® trait logo does not have a Bayer Cross endorser added to it, this Level 2 seed brand is the “lead” brand if the trait logo is featured within a DEKALB® advertisement, and the Bayer Cross is part of the material (whether website, advertisement, event, brochure etc.).
How should we handle packaging changes if we are adding the Bayer Cross?
There are other changes coming that will include legal entity change, trademarks etc. The inclusion of the new label design (Level 1) and the Bayer Cross or Bayer logotype (Levels 2 and 3) is recommended with the next production/printing cycle to support a consistent look and feel across all touchpoints.
When do we have to change Level 2 packaging (seed bags) with the Bayer cross?
If the seed brand is Level 2, you can start immediately. The inclusion of the Bayer Cross on the front side and Bayer logotype on the back label for Level 2 seed brands is recommended with the next production/printing cycle to support a consistent look and feel across all customer and marketing touchpoints.
In some countries, the legal entity change may require a further change of the legal information in the future – but it is not recommended to wait unless there is significant cost reason for this.
It is important that seed brand packaging is consistent with all other marketing touchpoints that will include the Bayer Cross and Bayer logotype endorsement as defined.
What about trade shows, industry events, field events etc., where we would normally feature the full Bayer Crop Science portfolio of product brands? What can and cannot be included with Bayer?
Only “Level 2” seed brands (DEKALB®, Asgrow®, Deltapine®, Seminis®, De Ruiter®) can appear at events featuring an overall group of Bayer Crop Science brands, which will also include the Bayer Cross.
Other non-endorsed seed brands should not appear in overall Bayer Crop Science booths or displays. This is an important point for marketing teams in multi-brand markets (U.S., Brazil, Argentina and Mexico), where Bayer markets seed for one crop under multiple brands.
Care should be taken to understand the new brand guidelines and determine which limitations exist on which brands, and how this impacts the seed brands that can appear as part of a portfolio of products under the Bayer master brand and in Bayer-branded exhibits.
NOTE: In Mexico only, a decision is still pending on which seed brand will receive the Bayer endorser. At this time, neither Asgrow® nor DEKALB® will show the Bayer Cross endorser and should remain in separate exhibits.
Is it allowed to include Level 2 brands in trade shows etc. with other Crop Science brands of our portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross.
FAQs Level 3
In the past, Bayer Crop Science country websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with new legacy Monsanto commercial brands?
Branded dicamba herbicides (Xtendimax®, Xtendicam® and Dicamax®) may be promoted as part of an Xtend Crop System family with a Bayer Cross. All dicamba brands may be listed in a product overview of combined Customer Websites. To increase cross-selling opportunities for a diligent and consistent User Experience, interlinking from Customer Websites to product microsites should be offered.
While trait brands are not endorsed with the Bayer Cross when licensed out to other companies in the industry, trait brand marketing and websites by Crop Science will include a Level 3 Bayer Cross endorser as the company brand behind the trait brand sponsoring the message.
Individual brand websites or bundled product brands microsites for commercial brands are permitted but not mandatory.
Is it allowed to include Level 3 dicamba brands in websites with other Crop Science brands of our portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross. The only brands that would not be included are the Level 5 seed brands like Agroeste®, Sementes Agroceres® etc.
Do we need to update digital ads that are currently running for Level 3?
Please act wisely, we recommend you to update your digital ads when new digital advertisements or advertising material need to be produced. As there is a high amount of digital advertising material, please address or discuss this topic with your regional marketing leadership.
How should we handle packaging changes for Level 3 dicamba products if we are adding the Bayer Cross?
There are other changes coming that will include legal entity change, trademarks etc. The inclusion of the Bayer Cross on the front and the Bayer logotype on the back label for Level 3 dicamba brands is recommended with the next production/printing cycle to support a consistent look and feel across all customer and marketing touchpoints.
Can we use the ‘Smartline packaging’ technology for Level 3 dicamba brands?
No. For level 3 products, ‘Smartline packaging’ is not an option.
Is it allowed to include Level 3 dicamba brands in trade shows with other brands of our portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross. The only brands that would not be included are the Level 5 seed brands like Agroeste®, Sementes Agroceres® etc.
FAQs Level 4
In the past, Bayer Crop Science country websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with new legacy Monsanto commercial brands?
Branded glyphosate herbicides (Roundup® brands, RT® brands, Faena® brands) can be promoted as individual brand websites or bundled product brands microsites without any Bayer-endorsed branding.
However, all Level 1 – 4 portfolio brands can and should be listed in a combined Customer Website product overview. To increase cross-selling opportunities for a diligent and consistent User Experience, interlinking from Customer Websites to product microsites should be offered. Individual brand websites or bundled product brands microsites for commercial brands are permitted but not mandatory.
Is it allowed to include Level 4 Roundup and other glyphosate brands in websites with other brands of our portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross. The only brands that would not be included are the Level 5 seed brands like Agroeste®, Sementes Agroceres® etc.
Can we incorporate Monsanto legacy products – Roundup® on the owned Bayer legacy channels, i. e. Bayer sites: www.agrar.bayer.de/?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross. The only brands that would not be included are the Level 5 brands like Agroeste®, Sementes Agroceres® etc.
What about “white-label” and “private-label” glyphosate or other Crop Protection brands? Should they show a Bayer Cross?
No Bayer Cross should be used on white- or private-label Crop Protection brands. White-label and private-label brands usually require only legally necessary producer and/or registration owner. Their naming and positioning is not part of the Bayer Crop Science portfolio. They do not include the Bayer Cross.
Can I use the ‘Smartline packaging’ technology for Level 4 Roundup® or other branded glyphosate brands?
No. For Level 4 Roundup® or other branded glyphosate products, ‘Smartline packaging’ is not an option.
Several of our packaging materials have the Monsanto name and logo. Is there guidance for Roundup®?
The Monsanto logo will have to disappear on packaging. The established Roundup® look and feel will be retained as part of the global brand standard. Only a smaller-sized Bayer Cross logo will be on packaging. See Level 4 guidelines for Roundup® brands.
Is it allowed to include Level 4 Roundup® or other branded glyphosate brands in trade shows etc. with other brands of our Crop Science portfolio under a Bayer Cross?
Yes. As they belong to our portfolio, they are part of the ‘brand list’ under the Bayer Cross. The only brands that would not be included are the Level 5 seed brands like Agroeste®, Sementes Agroceres® etc.
For product presentations for Level 4 Roundup® or other branded glyphosates, can we use Bayer templates or do we need to use a special Roundup® brand template?
It depends. If it is a presentation focused only on Roundup® or other branded glyphosate, use the commercial brand PowerPoint template, without the Bayer Cross endorser.
If Roundup® is part of an entire Crop Science portfolio presentation that features Roundup® or other branded glyphosate as one of the portfolio, it should have a Bayer template and Bayer Cross endorser.
FAQs Level 5
In the past, Bayer Crop Science Customer Websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with new legacy Monsanto commercial brands?
Level 5 product brands may be promoted on individual brand websites or bundled product brands microsites, as long as they do not carry Bayer branding or the Bayer Cross. Level 5 product brands that are multiple/third party brands will not be included in the combined portfolio of the Customer Website and will not be available on Customer Website product overviews.
However, Acceleron® and Climate FieldView can be part of our combined portfolio presentation on Customer Websites endorsed with a Bayer branding.
In the past, Bayer Crop Science Customer Websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with new legacy Monsanto commercial trait brands?
Level 5 trait brand logos do not carry a Bayer Cross or Bayer name, as they are licensed broadly across the agriculture category. However, in Bayer Crop Science originated marketing, advertising and communication materials for Level 1 – 4 Bayer Crop Science brands, the trait brands may be positioned with Bayer and the Bayer Cross may be used on the website.
In the past, Bayer Crop Science Customer Websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with legacy Monsanto Acceleron® and Acceleron® BioAg brands?
Acceleron® and Acceleron® BioAg can be part of our combined portfolio presentation on Customer Websites endorsed with a Bayer branding. At this time, the decision about integration into the Customer Website versus a separate brand website can be taken along the decision tree in line with the regional commercial.
However, all combined portfolio brands can be listed in a product overview within the Customer Websites. Product brands that refer to individual or bundled brands microsites can also be listed in the Customer Website product overview.
In some regions, Acceleron® and Acceleron® BioAg brands may appear in prominent endorsed seed brand websites such as DEKALB®, Asgrow®, Deltapine®, Seminis® and De Ruiter®, when the seed brand is the “lead” brand.
If Acceleron® and Acceleron® BioAg are promoted on an individual brand website, no Bayer or Bayer Cross branding should be used.
In the past, Bayer Crop Science Customer Websites included listings for all product brands in the portfolio. How do we handle this with Bayer SeedGrowth and the legacy Monsanto Acceleron®, Acceleron® BioAg brands?
A decision on the future master brand strategy will be taken following the team strategy session in June. No changes to the legacy brands should be made at this time.
Till then, Bayer SeedGrowth will continue promoting our offers via dedicated microsites and as part of our combined offer.
Will Climate FieldView have the Bayer endorser branding?
At this time, marketing materials and advertising for Level 5 product brands such as Climate FieldView will be created as individual brand websites without any Bayer branding and without Bayer Cross. As future “tailored solutions” and digital farming business strategy are determined, using the Bayer endorser will be reviewed and updated guidelines will be provided.
Is it allowed to include Climate FieldView in Crop Science Customer Websites for our other brands such as DEKALB® for growers?
Yes. Just as Climate FieldView would have been featured on legacy Monsanto websites, the Climate FieldView brand can be included to communicate that our products/services and Climate FieldView are aligned and work together. However, Climate FieldView materials etc. should not be positioned as “Bayer Climate FieldView”.
Acceleron® is included in the Level 5 category (no Bayer brand endorser). But in EMEA we have always co-branded Acceleron® and DEKALB® for OSR and corn campaigns. This approach has helped us to successfully launch Acceleron® in the markets by generating added value and highlighting clear advantage vs. the competitors by also reinforcing our DEKALB® products. How should be proceed in future with co-branding?
As noted in the new Brand Guidelines, brand architecture decision on Acceleron® and SeedGrowth will be taken after a business strategy session in June.
What about trade shows, industry events, field events etc. where we would normally feature the full Bayer Crop Science portfolio of product brands? What can and cannot be included with Bayer?
Non-endorsed Level 5 seed brands may not appear in Bayer exhibits with Bayer endorsement. These include Channel, US Regional Brands (Gold Country®, Hubner®, Jung®, Kruger®, Lewis®, Rea®, Specialty®, Steward®, Stone® and Fontanelle®), CB®, Agroeste®, Sementes Agroceres® and La Tijereta®.
If these Level 5 seed brands participate in the show, they may not do so as part of the Bayer exhibit, nor appear in conjunction with the Bayer brand.
Only “Level 2” seed brands (DEKALB®, Asgrow®, Deltapine®, Seminis®, De Ruiter®) can appear at events featuring an overall group of Bayer Crop Science brands, which will also include the Bayer Cross.
This is an important point for marketing teams in multi-brand markets (U.S., Brazil, Argentina and Mexico), where Bayer markets seed for one crop under multiple brands. Care should be taken to understand the new brand guidelines and determine which limitations apply to which brands, and how this impacts the seed brands that can appear as part of a portfolio of products under the Bayer master brand and in Bayer-branded exhibits.
NOTE: In Mexico only, a decision is still pending on which seed brand will receive the Bayer endorser. At this time, neither Asgrow® nor DEKALB® will show the Bayer Cross endorser and should remain in separate exhibits.
What about trade shows, industry events, field events etc. where we would normally feature the full Bayer Crop Science portfolio of product brands? What can and cannot be included with Bayer?
The exhibit may show our trait brands and logos in our booths, exhibits and marketing/advertising materials, particularly our global seed brands endorsed by Bayer. Trait brands/logos may appear as part of the suite of solutions offered with Bayer products – especially our endorsed seed brands.
The seed brand is considered the lead brand. Therefore, if the trait is appearing with a “Level 2” seed brand such as DEKALB®, Asgrow®, Deltapine®, Seminis® or De Ruiter®, the trait is simply included with those materials, or the trait materials can appear in the exhibit with the Bayer endorser seed brands and can carry a Bayer Cross endorser.
Is it allowed to display Climate FieldView in Bayer trade shows/booths for growers?
Yes. Just as Climate FieldView would have been featured in legacy Monsanto trade shows/booths – it communicates that Bayer Crop Science products/services and Climate FieldView are aligned and work together.