Reporting for Website Performance

A website is often the first place someone interacts with a brand. It is essential that Bayer’s website clearly articulates their mission and vision while also expressing relevant, dynamic and strategic storytelling content.


To ensure positive website performance, tools like Google Analytics offer a variety of metrics that can indicate whether action is required to ensure and improve on-site functionality.  


The following objectives, KPIs and tactics should be considered when measuring and reporting on any web properties within


Objective Tactics KPIs

objective 1

Establish and maintain an immersive, efficient digital ecosystem poised to tell stories and drive engagement across all businesses and countries.

  • Core content pages
  • Storytelling content pages
  • On-site engagement rate
  • Unique pageviews
  • Occurrences 75% scroll
  • Average page load time
  • Bounce rate

objective 2

Establish search as a foundational strategy

  • Paid search
  • Organic search
  • Search sessions over time (paid and organic)
  • Paid search click-through rate
  • Top performing keywords

objective 3

Create a seamless user experience and distinguish clear user pathways

  • Top landing pages
  • Next page path
  • Top exit pages

objective 4

Reflect industry and technology best practices

  • Website audits
  • Annual maintenance 
  • Ongoing education
  • Meet web accessibility guidelines
  • Average Page Load Speed


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