The brand advantage: A catalyst for growth and impact

Brands reflect the business, products and people they represent. But the causation also works the other way round: brands drive recognition, results and growth. Recognizing this two-way relationship is key to how we support and use our brand at Bayer: we don’t treat it as a passive symbol, but as an active driver of the outcomes we need.
The Bayer brand is one of the 500 most valuable brands in the world, according to Brand Finance. As of 2025, it is valued at $6.215bn. This figure has real meaning: it is the estimated amount we would have to pay annually, if we did not own the Bayer brand, to license a brand with equivalent recognition and revenue-increasing potential.
Given that our brand can be an active growth driver, how do we ensure it delivers the maximum positive impact on our activities? Here are some areas in which our brand works for us:
Differentiating us in an instant
Bayer’s long track record, multidisciplinary expertise, comprehensive range of products and services across three divisions, and investment in R&D and collaborations all set us apart and make us leaders. But how do we communicate all that? It’s not practical to cover every single one of our products or initiatives when telling our story to stakeholders. However, the Bayer brand can do all that for us at a glance. As the world’s most powerful agri-science brand (and one of the top five company brands in pharmaceuticals), it’s a widely recognized symbol of our key attributes, including our history and experience, competence, scientific expertise, and trustworthiness. It’s known that most stakeholders are more likely to interact positively with a product when they know it is from Bayer.
With that in mind, by maximizing the reach of the Bayer brand across our organization, we also maximize our revenue and recognition potential. That includes working to encourage immediate association of our products with Bayer, and adding more aspects, such as likeability, to the set of skills and personality attributes that our brand already stands for.
Providing ways to serve our customers
It might be the Bayer brand, but it’s not purely about us. Our mission-led and customer-centric way of working means we always center the experiences of customers, partners and other stakeholders. That starts with engaging and listening to find out what customers need – then delivering on those needs, not just with concrete solutions but also with a seamless experience that leaves them happy, confident and even positively surprised.
The Bayer brand can help with both parts of that – firstly, as a powerful communication tool across different formats, then as a platform to deliver memorable experiences and to ‘join up’ our offering. Our message to external stakeholders becomes: having a brand isn’t about promoting us, it is about enabling us to serve you more universally.
Demonstrating and fulfilling our mission
Bayer’s long-term business health depends on our mission: Health for All, Hunger for None. As we accelerate towards this in different ways, we create and strengthen trust, and demonstrate our positive impacts for sustainability and well-being.
The Bayer brand is at the heart of our mission. In some ways, the two achieve similar things: orienting all our actions and giving us a shared sense of unity and purpose. And our brand power, just like the mission, is achieved through a combination of everything Bayer colleagues do every day.
So, ensuring that every colleague has a clear sense of our brand values and personality makes it easier to contribute to our mission. And you can’t get much more important than that.
Boosting visibility, online or offline
What is the best way to reach a given group of stakeholders: analog or digitally? The Bayer brand gives us a different answer: it’s both!
Whether it’s the 51-meter-high illuminated Bayer Cross in Leverkusen, or our coherent communications as ‘one Bayer’ on social media, the Bayer brand has an authoritative presence in the real world as well as the digital one. Not many brands can match its physical and virtual reach.
Being able to communicate in an integrated and flexible way, choosing the right channel for the right audience, matches our way of doing business as a global company with a holistic outlook. And it’s essential to the uplift our brand provides to our business.
Underpinning our innovation efforts
We are believers in innovation, and we back up that belief with a sizeable R&D budget across our divisions. Scientific and technological innovation enables us to offer new solutions that take us towards fulfilling our mission, step by step.
Behind our product and system brands is the Bayer brand. They work in tandem, which we can think of like this: the corporate brand makes an overall promise, then the individual innovations prove proof points that fulfill this promise. That’s how trust in us grows overall.
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