Brand Description & Position
Brand Description
In May 1970 Monsanto researcher John Franz synthesized a molecule that would become known as glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand herbicide. Today Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world and also one of the most recognized input brands in global agriculture.
The glyphosate molecule was handed from research to product development and marketing in fall 1971, and the team immediately began refining the product and developing the initial product strategy. Thousands of product trials were carried out. Extensive market research was conducted prior to the product’s first commercial registration and launch in 1974 in the United States, Malaysia and the United Kingdom.
Marketing plans focused on targeting key tough-to-control perennial weeds such as Johnsongrass, Canada thistle, quackgrass, field bindweed, Kikuyu goosegrass and lalang.
In 1985 Roundup branded herbicides were registered for residential uses, and in 1996 Monsanto launched Roundup Ready® Technology in soybeans in the United States, creating yet another avenue for value to customers.
Over the years, Roundup branded products have been continuously improved by the scientists and marketers at Monsanto. Roundup Biactive™, Roundup Max®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup Ultra®, Roundup WeatherMAX® and many other product versions are testimony to the continued improvement of Roundup branded products.
Brand Personality Attributes
As the history and traditions found within the Roundup® brand imply, the Roundup name is an enormous brand equity. Inherent in our brand is an emotional link with our consumer base. While the overarching grower benefit is control, growers consistently use three words to describe the value and rewards they receive from the relationship with Roundup branded products: Effective, Intelligent, Quality. These three words are the heart and soul of our brand, and every point of contact we have with growers must reflect these core values.
As Roundup is an international brand that retails in over 130 countries, there is a strong need for a global identity. This identity must be strong enough to make the Roundup brand instantly recognizable to any consumer in any country, yet flexible enough to accommodate local or national attitudes and perceptions.
Using colors, fonts and usage guidelines, we have developed a visual system of communicating that will create a consistent link with our growers.