Language and Localization

Learning is generally much more efficient when people are able to learn in their native language. In addition, there may be local regulations or laws in certain countries that require training to be delivered in the local language.


If you plan to deliver the e-learning in the local language, you should plan for this in the early phases of the project. You need to make sure that all the materials that are developed are produced in such a way that they support translation. Some authoring tools support script exports that can easily be translated, but you also need to take other content into account, such as image captions, screenshots of IT tools, supporting documents and voiceovers.


Whenever training is assigned as mandatory, it has to be translated into the local languages.

In addition, it is also important to consider localization from a content perspective. Are there abbreviations or words that should be used consistently in all languages? Are special phases that need specific language or translations used? Developing a glossary in early phases of the project can help achieve higher quality and greater efficiency in the translation process. In addition, it is also necessary to plan a review of the translated content. This review should always be done by a native speaker.

In many cases, it may also be necessary to localize the content in order to take local or legal requirements into account. Some topics also need to reflect local cultural nuance.

One goal of localizing an e-learning course is to publish it within a specific country or for a specific target group. This may also include additional consideration to provide different language options, as applicable. For example, consider the difference between Spanish spoken in Latin America and Europe. There are also multiple options for Portuguese (Brazilian or European), Chinese (simple or traditional), English (American or British).