Leveraging Paid Media on Social Platforms

Social Platforms are analyzing and prioritizing content that is based on personal connections and interests (LinkedIn), authenticity and engagement (Facebook and Instagram), timeliness and relevance (X).


They all accomplish this through algorithms that control how users are delivered content and what they see in their feeds. 


While our platform strategy is tailored to accommodate these algorithms, most of our organic content will not be prioritized to our desired audiences automatically. A paid strategy is necessary to ensure our content is seen by the right audience.


Utilizing paid advertising on social platforms can significantly boost our brand's visibility and engagement. Achieving impactful results relies on understanding amplification, effectively defining your target audience, ad objectives, and crafting compelling content.

Balanced Organic and Paid




Audience is existing followers

Audience is determined by targeting

Implement learnings from paid campaigns

Test creative to learn about audience

Free space to try new ideas on existing audience

Implement learnings from organic to launch better-performing ads

Community management puts brand in direct contact with audience

Attracts new followers

Life of a post is short, cadence in posting is vital

Life of a post is completely controllable and you can make less content and reach more people


Ad Objectives Based on User Journey



Content Role

X Objective


Attract new people to your brand or campaign

Brand Awareness



Stand out from the competition

Video Views


Generate a lead or otherwise establish a relationship

Website Clicks
App Install
Lead generation


Regularly engage audience to stay top of mind

Video Views
Boosted Organic Posts


Customers trust the brand enough to recommend to others






Targeting based on the audience's current stage of the journey can be effectively tailored for three identified groups: potential followers, existing followers, and those retargeted from the website. 


Here’s how to approach each group:


1. Potential Followers

Awareness and Consideration: Share informative and engaging content that addresses common pain points or interests relevant to your industry. Use sponsored content and ads to promote your brand and encourage users to follow our company page for more insights. Highlight the value of following you, such as exclusive content or industry updates.


2. Existing Followers

Consideration and Decision: Provide deeper insights and resources that build on their existing knowledge. This can include webinars, case studies, and product demonstrations. Encourage interaction through polls, discussions, and personalized messages. Highlight new offerings, updates, or community engagement opportunities to keep them invested in your brand.


3. Retargeted from Website

Decision and Post-Purchase: Use targeted ads to remind these users of their previous interactions with your website. Share specific product information, customer testimonials, or special offers to nudge them toward conversion.


By tailoring your content and engagement strategies to these three audience segments, you can effectively guide them through their journey, leading to increased engagement, conversions, and brand loyalty.


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