
To ensure a uniform and smart appearance for Bayer employees there are binding corporate design rules for Bayer workwear. All workwear must be marked with the Bayer Cross.


Workwear markings


The 4c version of the Bayer Cross is used on white and dark blue clothing.


The diameter of the Bayer Cross is 60 mm for all plant workwear. A smaller Bayer Cross may be used for office workwear, e.g. polo shirts or dress shirts, providing it complies with the corporate design rules. If there is a pocket on the workwear, the graphic device needs to be visible below the flap. You can find the rules for this under Graphic device.

Additional markings are only permitted if there are relevant legal or important country-specific requirements. If necessary, additional information such as an employee’s name, department, etc. may be included on the clothing. However, this additional information must be positioned on the same side of the jacket or smock – never on the opposite side and not near the Bayer Cross. Neue Helvetica typeface must be used for these markings.

How to print or embroider the Bayer Cross on workwear


With the new logo version it is now possible to create an embroidery in three colors. This can be seen very nicely in the pictures on the left side.

However, on certain textiles it needs to be printed using the heat transfer process, for which the 4c version was specifically developed. In this way the printed Bayer Cross stays bright and clear, even after many washes. If required, please ask for this 4c workwear version via or use the Bayer logo finder and select “Bayer Cross” and “Flexo Printing” as the requested medium.


If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: