Key Element: Bayer Cross
The Bayer Cross is one of the world’s most renowned and well-known trademarks. The value of our logo is very high and therefore protected worldwide. The guiding principles outlined here should help you to both apply and protect our logo.
Full-color, full-color reverse, black and white version
Full-color positive (4c)
Full-color reverse (3c)
Black version (1c)
White version (1c)
There are four color versions of the Bayer Cross. All elements of the Bayer Cross have a fixed size and position in relation to each other. The logo exists as a unique set of master artwork files.The logo options shown here are the only versions permitted.
The minimum size of the full-color version of the Bayer Cross is 10 mm in diameter. The minimum size of the single-color versions is 5 mm in diameter.
Minimum clear space
Required minimum clear space: 1/4 of the logo diameter.
Always allow a space of at least ¼ of the logo diameter all around the square on which the logo sits.
Bayer Cross on colored and photographic backgrounds
The full-color positive or black Bayer Cross can be placed on light photographic or light-colored backgrounds. The full-color reverse or white Bayer Cross can be placed on dark photographic or dark-colored backgrounds.

A Bayer logo has been specifically optimized for flexographic printing, a process that facilitates the printing of packaging made of plastic, paper and cardboard.