Colors & Typography
Parent brand colors
Pantone Black C
RGB 0/0/0
CMYK 0/0/0/100
Pantone 1595 C
RGB 255/102/0
CMYK 0/60/100/0
Pantone 369 C
RGB 89/177/38
CMYK 65/0/100/0
Suffix brand color palette
Pantone Reflex
Blue C
Pantone 1605 C
Pantone 1935 C
Pantone 2577 C
The suffix brand package uses seven colors in total: black, green, orange, blue, brown, red and purple. In lieu of these colors specified throughout the webpage you may also use the following Pantone colors, the standards for which are shown in the current edition of the Pantone color formula guide.
Suffix brand font usage
As specified in the suffix brand section, these typefaces must be used within each family of sub brand logos.
- Claims (bullet points): Helvetica Bold
- Pack size: Helvetica Bold
- Statutory information: Helvetica Bold and Regular
- Pack corner flash: Helvetica Rounded Bold
If you have any questions, please contact your expert: