
All Bayer envelopes must display the Bayer Cross, the name of the legal entity and the respective address. Whether they are positioned top left or bottom right depends on a country’s postal regulations.


Correct positioning of the Bayer Cross and legal entity information

Standard design with Bayer Cross and address at top left

The standard position for the Bayer Cross with the name and address of the legal entity below it is in the top left-hand corner of an envelope. That way, the top right-hand side remains free for stamps or franking. However, in some countries, such as the UK, national postal regulations require the left-hand side of an envelope to be left blank. In such cases the Bayer Cross and the name and address of the legal entity must be shifted to the bottom right-hand corner.

The Bayer Cross never varies in size and must always be printed in four colors (Euroscale) with the name of the legal entity and its address printed in Neue Helvetica dark blue. A print PDF can be downloaded for country-specific envelopes and InDesign templates for C4, C5 and DIN long envelopes as well as U.S. formats.


How to order envelopes

Legacy Monsanto employees, please refer to the green box on the right for more information.


Please order envelopes in the same way as you have ordered stationery items up to now.


The procurement process differs across the Bayer world. In Germany, for example, envelopes are individualized and produced by Territory, via this SmartBuy link (link for internal use only) and in the U.S. stationery items are produced by Ricoh USA Inc. The order process is described here (link for internal use only).


The one worldwide exception is that the following companies must use this Open Shop link: Territory (link for internal use only).


  • Pallas AG 

  • Bayer Real Estate 

  • Bayer Travelboard 

  • Bayer Weimar 

  • Bayer Schweiz AG 

  • Bayer Consumer Care AG

  • GP Grenzach 

  • Bayer Vital GmbH


All other legal entities and companies worldwide are kindly requested to contact their local procurement department.




If you have any further questions about this or any other section of Bayer Identity Net, please contact: